concerns, I realized again how important it is to set boundaries and make time
for ones self. Practice what you preach…right!? Vulnerability
is strength and I choose to share this with you again, as another lesson for
this month. Success may come in the form of many opportunities.
Sometimes these opportunities may be all at once.
Good for you!! Success, however, cannot thrive or continue…if you say YES to every opportunity as there is only so much each of us can do and give as one person.
In the reframe, I choose to look at this as a sign…that I am in demand…but cannot do it all at this time. Guess what? That’s OKAY!! Can you relate?
Our personal and professional lives can be hectic at times, and even in the best of circumstances…it’s very easy to say YES to everything, however, we must be careful not to put ourselves on overload. Believe me when I say, that your body will stop you if you don’t listen up. That mind/body connection is one of the most powerful things, so it’s important to never forget to take care of ourselves FIRST! The KEY thing to remember is that, if you want to keep going further and further, there are days when the power of NO…is just as powerful as YES. Owning your strengths and all that you are capable of…also means that you know your limits and when you need to focus on what you have right now before you move forward.
So my questions to you are this: What are you doing to maintain the balance in your lives…both personal and professional? Is there an activity…a hobby…a list of goals your keeping for checks and balances? What are you saying YES to? What might you need to say NO to?
When you make time for yourself…it’s not just about disconnecting and having “down time.” Realize
it’s your body’s chance to recharge, physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. There may be ideas
or other creative goals that will form because you’ve allowed your mind/body to be at peace. Who knows…ther may
even be new opportunities that show up when you’ve allowed yourself the time and space to appreciate what’s going on around you in that moment.
We’ve all heard that, “life’s too short.” Well…then make sure you’re LIVING it. All work and no play…right!? “The reason most people die is because they stop living. There are so many people who are walking around dead, and don’t even know it.” Would you agree? So choose to set those boundaries. Say YES! Say NO! Make time for YOU and in doing so...choose to LIVE!