The problem: Life will absolutely bless you with many opportunities throughout the course of your life. It doesn't mean you have to take them all! It is true that sometimes we become "stuck" and it seems as if there aren't any opportunities. Don't despair! That's simply the universes way of letting you know, that NOW is the time to reflect and figure out what it is you WANT. So, you ask the universe for help. You have ideas. You test...you experiment...you ask questions...and before you know it...you get your answer. Some things work...some things don't. You've found yourself (or at least FINALLY on that path you've been searching for) and the universe begins to give you what you need to support your new found light! Here's where it gets tricky...
Don't feel as if every opportunity is yours for the taking. Each opportunity provides a different choice...a different path. Some will work together, and others may present a new path to follow. The key is not to get yourself "stuck" again by trying to multi-task and do it all. If you do...you will find yourself expending a great deal of energy and effort ultimately leaving yourself with nothing at the end of the day. It's too much! The result: Lack of motivation. Lack of desire. Lack of creativity. Pretty soon, you just STOP! You run head first into that metaphorical wall.
The solution: When you're being blessed with a "full download" of choices. Choose what you MUST have and what you can do with out. While some options may seem appealing and tempting...if you reflect long enough, you realize those expendable options would never have been fulfilling or they don't serve your current goal any true purpose. I choose to look at those as my "tests" to see how connected I still am to my own dreams and goals. Is there anything that can take me off the track I am on right now? Trust your gut and your intuition. If the path is meant to change, there will be plenty of reasons clear as day that will tell you it's time for a change. If the path you're on is going smoothly and more opportunities present the next step in your evolution...you continue the path and let the other unnecessary pieces go.
The reality check: You can't be everything. You can't be "on the go" 24/7. If you ever find yourself in this position and you want to avoid getting yourself "stuck" again...STOP and take a breather. Or...take a vacation if time allows to simply RESET and RECONNECT! If you're going too fast and taking on too much, you will miss what you need to take that next step. When things are running smooth...take time to appreciate the work that's been done...celebrate a little...and reflect on the possibilities of tomorrow. What will serve you best? Let the rest go and leave yourself with enough space and memory for your next big upgrade!