5 Ways to Keep Your Relationship Thriving
By James Patrick
It is no surprise that current advances in technology and the introduction of social networks have given us the ability to connect in ways like never before, and yet, we have never been more disconnected to those who may be right in front of us, next to us or around us on a daily basis. While these advances have proven their many benefits; when it comes to relationships, much of that personal edge and individualized focus have been lost or made almost effortless with the click of a button. Do you want to create stronger connections in your life? Do you wish to stand out among the crowds, emojis and friend requests? Then here are 5 ways to invest yourself into any relationship and keep it thriving.
You Matter! Sure. You could send a text message, and yet, there is something to be said about that handwritten note, surprise delivery or thoughtful gesture that comes on a day that is not a holiday, birthday or anniversary. It’s the little acknowledgements that make the biggest impact. Going out of your way to let someone know they matter, just because you can, creates value, supports a solid foundation to build upon and can serve as a catalyst for someone else to do the same. Be someone’s reason to smile today.
Consciously Communicate. No phone call, e-mail or text could ever properly convey the energy, emotions and feelings that are shared when two or more people come together in a physical space and communicate face to face. In fact, those other ways often create plenty of miscommunications, misinterpretations and misunderstandings that are not always intended. So, show up and take moments to disconnect and authentically speak what’s on your mind to be seen, heard and potentially co-create solutions to fears, excuses, dreams and desires with those closest to you, without fear of judgement or the need to read minds.
Work Hard. Play Harder. The time to enjoy life cannot be found in an app nor should it be solely reserved for the weekends or that next day off. Be sure to plan some time to break up the week with events and activities that you don’t need to wait for. Participate in things that keep your mind and body energized and engaged. Having something to look forward to in between “life happening” makes the work week feel shorter and minimizes stress levels for everyone involved.
Ready. Set. Goal! While each person has their individual goals to achieve, it is equally important to have a list of goals that everyone co-creates and works towards. Half the fun on the way to achievement is the actual journey taken to get there and the lessons learned and shared along the way. Doing this establishes milestones to strive for, challenges everyone participating without making it a competition, and results in achievements to be celebrated, wondering how far you can push yourselves for the next one. Remain in a constant state of growth and momentum.
Like Attracts Like. Make a conscious effort to put down the tech and surround yourselves with people that feed your mind and spirit. These individuals create a great deal of personal, professional and social support when it is needed most. They encourage growth, empower trust and build confidence. When you are in a space with these people, you can’t help but feel motivated, inspired and ready to take life by the horns. They become the best of friends, teachers, mentors, role models and accountability partners. Be forewarned though. As you continue to evolve into your next best self, don’t be surprised if there are some relationships and connections that begin to fall away. Remember, “People come into your life for a reason, a season or a lifetime.” Anonymous
At the end of the day, you will find that it doesn’t take much to maintain a healthy relationship or connection with your partner or your social circle, if it is a two way street. Don’t rely on technology or over complicate a simple process. Show up! Gratitude is a standard of living. Inclusion makes everyone feel they have a place. Enjoying the journey together leaves footprints on our heart and memories that will last a lifetime.