question may catch you off guard. Perhaps it makes you laugh a little or evokes a sarcastic response like, “I’ve got 3 jobs and work a hundred hours a week” or “I’m married with children, what do you think?” While these responses are similar to the many I’ve gotten, this question is actually meant for you to reflect on YOUR life passion and purpose.
Are you living it?
Passion and purpose aren’t words that one hears too often these days
when it comes to the life of your everyday Joe or Jane.
The main reason being is that life happens.
We get caught up in the day to day routines.
We work whatever job we can get to earn the money that pays the
bills. We get comfortable and it becomes easy to forget what we were given this life for. So, as time passes it
also becomes harder to remember what those big dreams had once been.
“Most people will die with their music still inside them.”
This quote is just one of many that can haunt you and at the same time
should cause some long running intentions to become powerful, life changing
We all have a path to follow and a journey to lead.
In the end, the legacy that is left behind is the life sentence you have
served. Clare Booth Luce once told John F. Kennedy that “every great man/woman is one sentence.”
For example, “Lincoln preserved the union and freed the slaves.” Sure, there is probably a book full of
sentences listing out a number of his accolades and attributes, but that single
sentence, is how Lincoln is remembered. Once again, this could not have been
accomplished without passion and purpose. So, let’s break it down.
Passion has been described as “that fire blazing in your belly.” It’s an emotion that is almost
uncontrollable. If it is truly a passion, then it should be accompanied by the overwhelming sense that nothing
is impossible or unattainable. Having a true passion means that no matter what challenges or obstacles
may be encountered, there is certainly a way around it, over it, under it or through it, which will always be found.
Nothing can stop you when the desire is heightened with this form of emotional and energetic charge. In life, when the time is taken to acknowledge these passions then the question of life purpose becomes hard to ignore.
Once the passion is burning, then purpose begins to take its form. The awareness around the
things that make you,“get up and go” creates an idea, supports a vision and the
creation of a dream bigger than you can imagine. Passion is the drive and the
desire. Purpose is the“why”. A compelling reason “why” is always a catalyst for change. It is why
ordinary people are able to achieve extraordinary results. Intention is fueled by passion, which creates action and results in realizing a purpose. It can be as big as your “meaning of life” or it can be an “ah-ha”moment around your reason for being at this particular point in time.
When an effort is set to put the wheel into motion the universe will
support you. You can’t win the lottery without buying the ticket, right? So, what are you waiting for!? The
truth is, everyone has great ideas and intentions, but seldom do they become
actions. The ones who succeed are the ones who feed their passion and define their purpose.
The honor is reserved for the “few who do versus the many who wish”.
The challenge to you is to take a good look in the mirror and ask yourself today, “Are you serving your life